[GNSO-TPR] TPR WG Action Item: CORD Recommendations Worksheet

Mike Rodenbaugh mike at rodenbaugh.com
Mon Apr 1 18:56:57 UTC 2024

Is there a draft Executive Summary of changes to the policy that we can use
to socialize this with our constituencies, please?

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Mike Rodenbaugh


548 Market Street, Box 55819

San Francisco, CA 94104


mike at rodenbaugh.com


+1 (415) 738-8087
*WORLD TRADEMARK REVIEW "WTR 1000" Top Global TM Counsel*
*2012 to present
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On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 1:23 PM rcarney--- via GNSO-TPR <gnso-tpr at icann.org>

> Hello Everyone,
> Just wanted to provide a nudge to make sure that everyone is working on
> the homework to review the CORD Recommendations
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit> and
> fill-out the worksheet putting each CORD Recommendation into one of the
> four tables for your respective represented group.
> As staff mentioned on our last call, this is not the last opportunity to
> provide input, but we want to have as thorough of a review now versus
> trying to address later.
> Talk to everyone tomorrow.
> Thanks
> Roger
> ------------------------------
> *From:* GNSO-TPR <gnso-tpr-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Christian
> Wheeler <christian.wheeler at icann.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2024 3:41 PM
> *To:* gnso-tpr at icann.org <gnso-tpr at icann.org>
> *Subject:* [GNSO-TPR] TPR WG Action Item: CORD Recommendations Worksheet
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> Dear WG Members,
> We have reached an important point in our work where *we need feedback
> from all working group members. *
> We are nearing completion of our Group 1(b) Change of Registrant Data
> recommendations, and we will be finalizing them over the next few weeks. *In
> short, if you are unable to participate over the next 2-3 weeks, please
> ensure your alternate(s) are available to participate* on your behalf so
> that all representative groups share their perspectives on this important
> topic.
> The format under which we will be gathering feedback should be familiar to
> many of you. Support Staff has compiled the draft preliminary
> recommendations in this Group 1(b) Recommendations for Initial Report
> worksheet
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit>.
> The yellow highlighted text denotes text that Support Staff has edited
> based on feedback from the last meeting.
> By *Tuesday, 9 April**,* we ask that all Working Group members:
>    1. Please *review the **draft preliminary recommendations
>    <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit>** in
>    detail*.
>    2. Using the tables provided (starting on p.9 of the worksheet
>    <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit>),
>    please *identify any recommendations you believe should be changed*.
>    The tables contemplate levels of support (or lack of support):
>    1. Cannot live with the recommendation as written - this means that,
>          unless significantly altered, your group cannot live with the text being
>          included in the Initial Report
>          2. Could live with, but would prefer a change
>          3. Grammatical/typographical edits
>          4. Support recommendation as written
>    3. If you do not agree with the current text or believe edits are
>    necessary, please identify the category (can’t live with, could live with
>    but prefer edited text, or grammatical change), and *propose alternate
>    text*.
>    4. If you can support the recommendation as written, please *also
>    affirmatively indicate your support *in the green table.
>    5. Please *provide your feedback by group*, rather than in an
>    individual capacity.
> We will be using the next 2-3 weeks to go over proposed updated text (if
> any). We ask all groups to review the recommendations to ensure *you are
> comfortable with the proposed text for purposes of inclusion in the Initial
> Report. *
> While we do plan to have additional time to review the comprehensive
> report as a whole (including Group 1(a) and Group 2), *the time to raise
> fundamental issues with the Group 1(b) text is now. *
> Thank you for your attention and participation.
> Best regards,
> Caitlin, Berry, Julie, Feodora, and Christian
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