[GNSO-TPR] GNSO_TPR // 25 February 2024 Project Package

Berry Cobb Berry.Cobb at icann.org
Tue Feb 27 15:55:57 UTC 2024

Dear WG,

Please find a link below to project package for the GNSO_TPR PDP (25 FEB 2024). This package is a snap-shot in time and developed by the leadership team to report on the working group’s activities and status of the project. It is also distributed to the GNSO Council to keep them informed as managers of the PDP. The package is deposited on the wiki so that we can track access statistics.

Link: https://community.icann.org/x/MQDQCQ

  1.  Page 01 – Summary Dashboard, Project SitRep, and Activity Metrics
  2.  Page 02 – Meeting metrics, Roster, & Group Attendance
  3.  Page 03,4 – Project Plan, Gantt chart
  4.  Page 05 – Workplan

Key points:

  *   Aspirations of releasing the Initial Report for public comment May 2024.

Please let staff know if you have questions.

Thank you.


Berry Cobb
Policy Development – Senior Program Manager
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile: +1 424 443 8960
Phone: +1 202 570 7240
Fax: +1 202 789 0104
Twitter: @berrycobb

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