[GNSO-TPR] ICANN79 Presentation Slides

Christian Wheeler christian.wheeler at icann.org
Wed Feb 28 20:06:05 UTC 2024

Dear TPR WG members,

Please find attached the slides we will use for our ICANN79 sessions this Saturday (2 March, 1:15pm and 3:00pm AST). We recommend familiarizing yourselves with these slides ahead of our two sessions. Our focus will be on slides 1-28.

Thank you to our volunteers who will introduce slides 7-17.  In the meantime, WG members please assist our volunteers by adding more rationale to the CORD Preliminary Recommendations + Rationale<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DpDO2BYTl6TA7ApfPpG3Hpl13nrv4y4x9B3hImrx_Fc/edit?usp=sharing> Google Doc.

Thank you all again and we look forward to seeing you virtually and in person in San Juan. Safe travels!

Kind regards,
Caitlin, Berry, Julie, Feodora, and Christian

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