[GNSO-TPR] TPR WG Action Item: CORD Recommendations Worksheet

Christian Wheeler christian.wheeler at icann.org
Wed Mar 27 20:41:12 UTC 2024

Dear WG Members,

We have reached an important point in our work where we need feedback from all working group members.

We are nearing completion of our Group 1(b) Change of Registrant Data recommendations, and we will be finalizing them over the next few weeks. In short, if you are unable to participate over the next 2-3 weeks, please ensure your alternate(s) are available to participate on your behalf so that all representative groups share their perspectives on this important topic.

The format under which we will be gathering feedback should be familiar to many of you. Support Staff has compiled the draft preliminary recommendations in this Group 1(b) Recommendations for Initial Report worksheet<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit>. The yellow highlighted text denotes text that Support Staff has edited based on feedback from the last meeting.

By Tuesday, 9 April, we ask that all Working Group members:

  1.  Please review the draft preliminary recommendations<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit> in detail.
  2.  Using the tables provided (starting on p.9 of the worksheet<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit>), please identify any recommendations you believe should be changed. The tables contemplate levels of support (or lack of support):

        *   Cannot live with the recommendation as written - this means that, unless significantly altered, your group cannot live with the text being included in the Initial Report
        *   Could live with, but would prefer a change
        *   Grammatical/typographical edits
        *   Support recommendation as written

  1.  If you do not agree with the current text or believe edits are necessary, please identify the category (can’t live with, could live with but prefer edited text, or grammatical change), and propose alternate text.
  2.  If you can support the recommendation as written, please also affirmatively indicate your support in the green table.
  3.  Please provide your feedback by group, rather than in an individual capacity.

We will be using the next 2-3 weeks to go over proposed updated text (if any). We ask all groups to review the recommendations to ensure you are comfortable with the proposed text for purposes of inclusion in the Initial Report.

While we do plan to have additional time to review the comprehensive report as a whole (including Group 1(a) and Group 2), the time to raise fundamental issues with the Group 1(b) text is now.

Thank you for your attention and participation.

Best regards,
Caitlin, Berry, Julie, Feodora, and Christian
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