[gtld-tech] Delegated strings: WHOIS & SLAs...

Jay Daley jay at nzrs.net.nz
Thu Nov 21 14:22:44 UTC 2013

On 21/11/2013, at 11:03 am, Rubens Kuhl <rubensk at nic.br> wrote:

>>> The standard Appendix A in the gTLD Registry Agreement states that other
>>> records can be added, once an RSEP evaluation has taken place "to
>>> determine whether the service would create a risk of a meaningful
>>> adverse impact on security or stability of the DNS".
>> That seems sensible but I wonder if it could be short cut on the basis that 20 or so TLDs including some of the largest already have this record and the world has not ended?
> The same can be said about dot-less domains (records other NS/DS at the TLD level), but there are both contractual limitations and technical reports against those. 

I think you've explained why the same could not be said about dotless domains!  Anyway, this is nothing to do with dotless domains.


> Rubens

Jay Daley
Chief Executive
.nz Registry Services (New Zealand Domain Name Registry Limited)
desk: +64 4 931 6977
mobile: +64 21 678840
linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jaydaley

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