[gtld-tech] Question on contact:chg / contact:postalInfo / contact:addr

Gould, James JGould at verisign.com
Wed Feb 25 16:25:39 UTC 2015


This same question came up on the provreg mailing list by Klaus Malorny ( http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/provreg/current/msg07560.html ) that you can review.  I paste in my reply to that thread ( http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/provreg/current/msg07571.html) below for reference:

I agree that it changes/modifies the elements specified, where I view the elements as being the direct child elements of <contact:chg>, which include:

  1.  <contact:postalInfo> with type attribute as being relevant
     *   For example, if a contact had both types of postalInfo, inclusion of only one of the types ("int" or "loc") under the <contact:chg> does not implicitly remove the other type.
     *   All sub-elements of the <contact:postalInfo> with type would be replaced including the two streets to one street example.
  2.  <contact:voice> to replace the voice
  3.  <contact:fax> to replace the fax
  4.  <contact:email> to replace the email
  5.  <contact:authInfo> to replace the authorization information
  6.  <contact:disclose> to replace the disclosure.

The questions are focused on <contact:postalInfo> since it's a complex entity with one to two instances ("int" or "loc").  I view the concept of change as being a replace of the instance whether it's a complex or simple instance.



[cid:77031CC3-BE7A-4188-A95F-D23115A30A4D at vcorp.ad.vrsn.com]

James Gould
Distinguished Engineer
jgould at Verisign.com

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190


On Feb 25, 2015, at 8:30 AM, Volker Janzen Notify <volker.janzen-notify at internetx.com<mailto:volker.janzen-notify at internetx.com>> wrote:

Hi all,

I've a question regarding contact:addr inside of a contact:postalInfo
block when using contact:chg.

E.g. this XML snippet from RFC 5733 (excerpt only):

C: <contact:chg>
C:   <contact:postalInfo type="int">
C:     <contact:org/>
C:     <contact:addr>
C:       <contact:street>124 Example Dr.</contact:street>
C:       <contact:street>Suite 200</contact:street>
C:       <contact:city>Dulles</contact:city>
C:       <contact:sp>VA</contact:sp>
C:       <contact:pc>20166-6503</contact:pc>
C:       <contact:cc>US</contact:cc>
C:     </contact:addr>
C:   </contact:postalInfo>
C: </contact:chg>

contact:street may occur zero to three times.

Is it intended that a single contact:street element should replace all
existing contact:street elements or only the first contact:street
element of the contact object?

Volker Janzen
Team Entwicklung

InterNetX GmbH
Maximilianstr. 6
93047 Regensburg

Tel: +49 941 59559-0
Fax: +49 941 59579-050


Geschäftsführer/CEO: Thomas Mörz
Amtsgericht Regensburg, HRB 7142

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