[gtld-tech] Upcoming publication of updated Whois advisory

Cyrus Namazi cyrus.namazi at icann.org
Fri Jan 23 20:38:46 UTC 2015

Dear RrSG and RrSG members and colleagues,
Attached please find the Whois advisory scorecard identifying those issues
raised during ICANN¹s numerous consultations with various interested parties
over the course of the previous several months. The scorecard contains
(among other things) a description of the issue raised and ICANN¹s response.
I thank the group members for their valuable contributions throughout these
discussions. We have updated the draft advisory on those issues where there
was room for interpretation. There are a small number of issues (three) that
we think the Whois specifications do not allow for the changes some of you
have proposed (rows 3, 8, and 15 of the attached scorecard). Consequently,
there are only three issues in which we found no option but to maintain the
current Whois advisory language.
ICANN intends to publish a final advisory by the end of January with an
implementation date of 31 July 2015, providing contracted parties ample time
to implement any necessary changes.

Thank you again for your time and your constructive inputs. Please let us
know should you have any further questions or comments.


Cyrus Namazi
Vice President | Domain Name Services | Global Domains Division
801 17th St NW, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20006 USA

+ Office | +1.408.421.6894 Mobile | cyrus.namazi at icann.org


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