[gtld-tech] Registrar Expiration Date I-D

Andrew Sullivan asullivan at dyn.com
Tue Jan 26 21:48:13 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 04:31:58PM -0500, Andrew Newton wrote:
> But I see it no differently than my contact information or name
> servers. If I change either with the RAR, that info must also be
> updated in the RY. How is this date any different? In the current
> thick gTLDs, don't the RARs already have to keep their data up to date
> in the RY?

In my view, a sane implementation would rely on the contact data in
the registry for any data that it might have.  There's a primary key
for this (there's an identifier), so you can do that pretty easily.
And indeed, when I ran registry databases (mostly "thick"), address
and other such data coherence between registrar and registry databases
was a never-ending problem, because registrars had designed their
business logic differently.

So it's not different, and the history of this sort of thing suggests
that adding more ways for the two data systems to drift apart is not a
good idea.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Dyn, Inc.
email: asullivan at dyn.com

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