[gtld-tech] Registrar Expiration Date I-D

Andrew Sullivan asullivan at dyn.com
Tue Jan 26 23:26:44 UTC 2016

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 05:17:59PM -0500, Andrew Newton wrote:
> Then can't the same be said of ANY new EPP extension? 

Any extension that would unnecessarily duplicate data from the side
that has the direct relationship to the side that has the indirect
relationship, yes.  In the case of contact data, the registry needs
that because of the need for it in whois.  Anyway, it can be looked up
in real time by the registrar.  (I know of at least one registrar that
does that.)

The problem here is that this is data that _solely_ pertains to the
relationship between the registrar and the registrant: it's about the
lifetime of the contract between the registrant and the registrar, not
about the life cycle of the domain object itself. 

Since the registry doesn't have access to the life cycle of the
registrar-registrant agreement, this value doesn't belong in the
registry database -- any more than, say, the expiry date of the
registrant's credit card belongs in the registry.  The reason for this
is that it is dependent on the registrar's business logic, so it can't
be in a shared repository like the registry.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
asullivan at dyn.com

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