[ICANN Academy WG] ICANN Academy survey

Gomes, Chuck cgomes at verisign.com
Fri Dec 14 15:26:54 UTC 2012

Hong makes a good point.  If an extension is granted, it probably should be until sometime in early January.  I still would wait to the 19th or 20th to announce it.


From: at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org [mailto:at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org] On Behalf Of Hong Xue
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 10:23 AM
To: sandra hoferichter
Cc: ICANN Academy WG
Subject: Re: [ICANN Academy WG] ICANN Academy survey

Dear Sandra,

ccNSO has had discussions on the survey at its monthly call in December. Unfortunately, December 20 cannot fit in ccNSO's work schedule. I believe ccNSO is going to request for an extension formally soon. Although I'm grateful that the deadline is extended to December 31, it is still very much tight for ccTLD community, which is very diverse and difficult to consult in a short period of time. We are now seeking opinions region by region and hopefully get more leniency on submission deadline.

Thanks for your kind consideration.

Happy holidays to all


On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 11:09 PM, sandra hoferichter <info at hoferichter.eu<mailto:info at hoferichter.eu>> wrote:
Dear WG members,

so asked Filiz to provide a draft report about the responses to the survey. So far only 9, but solid, answers have been received.

However I made the experience that volunteer work is often done by the end of the year, between Christmas and new year. I would therefore propose we extend the deadline until 31. Dec and send another reminder to the SOAC list.

Please let me know if you disagree.

Moreover I like to encourage you again to mobilise your communities to participate in the survey.

Best Sandra

Von: at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> [mailto:at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org>] Im Auftrag von sandra hoferichter
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. November 2012 11:32
An: 'ICANN Academy WG'
Betreff: [ICANN Academy WG] ICANN Academy survey
Wichtigkeit: Hoch

Dear WG members,

I forward you herewith an email which has been sent out to all community leaders recently, calling for participation in the survey which was developed in this WG (see: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ICANNAcademyWGSurvey or the PDF enclosed) .

May I ask you to follow up individually within you AC / SO / SG that this email is being recognised and your group is participating in this survey. The deadline for submission is 20 Dec 2012 .

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Sandra


<Beginning of email>

Dear Community Leaders,

Please find below a mail that I am sending on behalf of Sandra Hoferichter, ICANN Academy WG Chair, upon her request.
You can reach her at info at hoferichter.eu<mailto:info at hoferichter.eu> for further correspondence.

Kind regards

Filiz Yilmaz
Sr Dir Participation and Engagement


[Sent on behalf of Sandra Hoferichter]

Dear SO / AC and SG chairs and leaders,

you might be aware of the ICANN Academy WG which has been created, based on the initiative started at the ALAC, to establish a ICANN leadership educational programme for all ICANN leaders (current and / or incoming). Meanwhile this WG is operating cross constituency wide and is meeting regularly. One outcome from the Toronto meeting was, to set up a survey to get sophisticated information about the specific needs of each constituency in terms of capacity building for  leaders, for members and for the broader community they are representing.

We send you herewith a short survey and kindly ask you, or the community you are chairing, to fill in your information until 20 December 2012, at:


Please note we are specifically looking into educational training and capacity building provisions, not into other outreach activities, albeit both issues are closely connected to each other.

The results of this survey will feed into the development of a moulded framework structure for all capacity building provisions within ICANN and the ICANN leadership educational programme, as one module to be implemented in such a framework. This framework shall then:

1.       mirror all current Capacity Building provisions (modules) within ICANN
2.       help to identify possible missing modules within ICANN
3.       help to harmonise and synchronise all current and future modules

Thank you very much for your cooperation and please do not hesitate to contact Sandra Hoferichter, Chair of the ICANN Academy WG, at info at hoferichter.eu<mailto:info at hoferichter.eu> if you have any questions or remarks.

Sandra Hoferichter
ICANN Academy WG Chair

<End of email>

at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg mailing list
at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg at atlarge-lists.icann.org>

Professor Dr. Hong Xue
Director of Institute for the Internet Policy & Law (IIPL)
Beijing Normal University
19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street
Beijing 100875 China
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