[ICANN-CSC] Draft CSC May 2021 Report

Lars-Johan Liman liman at netnod.se
Tue Jun 15 12:08:08 UTC 2021

Hi Amy,

Thanks for generating this draft report.

However, I suggest that we limit the text to "The missed service level
agreement was satisfactorily explained and not an indication of a
persistent issue."

In my view, the CSC shall investigate and report on issues from an
"overview" perspective. We look for systemic problems, not specific
issues with specific customers. Therefore our reports ought not to delve
into the details and specifics of single missed SLAs. This missed SLA
was satisfactorily explained in the PTI report, and that's good enough.

Anyone with interest in the details can easily find them in the equally
public report from the PTI. Copying the details into our report makes a
total non-event stand out like something that warrants attention from
the reader, which I think is not the case.

What do you all think? Am I on the right track here?


icann-csc at icann.org 2021-06-15 02:44 [+0000]:
> All,

> Attached is a draft May CSC report for review and discussion. The
> draft is a redline against the April CSC report.

> Regards,

> Amy Creamer
> Director of Operations
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> Email: amy.creamer at iana.org<mailto:amy.creamer at iana.org>
> Phone: +1-424-537-8917

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