[ICANN-CSC] Customer Standing Committee & PTI Board

Claudia Ruiz claudia.ruiz at icann.org
Sun Oct 22 14:11:53 UTC 2023

Customer Standing Committee & PTI Board<https://icann78.sched.com/>
Sunday, October 22 2023
14:30 – 15:30 UTC   (16:30 - 17:30 local)

• Zoom Meeting Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/94327080645?pwd=K3JUYnRqSWE2RHY3N2dvOHBCWE9mUT09
• Zoom Meeting ID: 943 2708 0645
• Zoom Meeting Passcode: MQ0R#AFhi0
• Zoom International Dial-In Numbers: https://icann.zoom.us/u/ace6TmhqlQ
• Zoom Phone Passcode: 042 254 9054

Interpretation Service
• Languages Available: English

Session Details
The CSC and PTI and PTI Board will exchange views on topics of common interest, such as developing a framework for reviewing the IANA NAming Function Service Level Agreements. For additional information: https://community.icann.org/x/doDxDg

Session Leader: Bart Boswinkel
Participation Manager: Claudia Ruiz

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