[Internal-cg] Chair responsibilities

Alissa Cooper alissa at cooperw.in
Wed Aug 20 18:48:07 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Mohamed, Patrik and I have sorted out how we will be dividing up various
chair responsibilities going forward, and we wanted to share the results
of that with you so that you know which of us you can expect to be hearing
from about specific topics and which of us you should get in touch with
about specific discussions. Of course, we will be working together as a
team and will continue to be contributing as individual participants, but
we wanted to identify point people for specific tasks so that nothing
falls through the cracks. Here is the rough breakdown that we arrived at:

Secretariat liaison - Patrik
- Meeting planning: venues/rooms, interpreters, logistics, travel
- Web site / communications - Mohamed will assist
- IT needs (e.g., comments forum, Dropbox, etc.)
- RFP work with Adiel

Future meeting planning
- Draft agenda creation - shared between Mohamed, Patrik, Alissa
- Alissa will chair meetings when available, delegate otherwise
- Sept 6 meeting: Mohamed and Patrik will share chairing duties

Shepherding work items (setting deadlines, sending reminders, liaising
with task owners)
- Communities RFP - Mohamed
- Secretariat document(s) - Patrik
- Consensus document - Alissa
- Charter - Alissa
- Timeline - Alissa
- IGF statement - Mohamed
- Future work items will be sorted out as needed

We also wanted to set expectations about private emails that we may
receive from you in our capacities as chairs. If you email us about ICG
administrative matters, we may forward those to the secretariat, or loop
the secretariat in on the email thread. If you email any one of us about
ICG matters that are not for discussion on this mailing list, we may loop
in the other two chairs on the email thread. If you do not want us to loop
in the other two chairs on any particular side discussion, please make
that clear in your email so that the recipient among us knows to keep it


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