[IOT] IOT - Meeting - 201081011 - DAIRs and raw captioning

Bernard Turcotte turcotte.bernard at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 15:49:38 UTC 2018


The interim rules are essentially done with the exception of rule 7 (see
attached DAIRs).

For rule 7 we are waiting on language from Samantha per below:

·       Rule 7 - Consolidation, Intervention and Participation as an Amicus
– SE – post language based on the discussion.

o   >> MH Yes I wanted to get a quick clarification to for Sam so she knows
we are not as far apart as maybe she might thing we are.  I'm not
suggesting -- mostly for you David, for me I'm not suggesting for a moment
that we should allow this language in this paragraph to change who is
qualified to be claimant.

All this paragraph is intending to say, is that if you are otherwise
qualified to be aclaimant.  If you additionally satisfy the situation
described in this paragraph you should be able to intervene as a claimant
as of right.  Rather than wait for another case.

Similarly if you -- even if you don't qualify as a claimant, but you
satisfy the conditions in this paragraph you should be allowed to intervene
as an amicus and it shouldn't be merely discretionary.  That's the aim.
Not the change the definition of who qualifies as a claimant.  That should
be untouched by this language.

>> DAVID McAULEY:  Thanks Malcolm.  And I will also make a comment as a
participant, Sam, I think that I can live with what Malcolm has just said.
I think he's right in what he's saying and I think it's quite possible that
we could crack this nut with amicus status as long as it's not
discretionary it is a matter of right and as long as amicus can protect the
language in did.

Bernard Turcotte
ICANN Staff Support to the IOT.
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