[ispcp] SECRETARIAT: ISPCP Constituency Activity on new TLDs

Mark McFadden mcf at uwm.edu
Tue Apr 13 16:50:32 UTC 2004


The ISPCP Secretariat agreed to help coordinate a discussion of technical
and administrative acceptance of new TLDs at the Montreal and Rome ICANN
meetings.  That effort is starting up and one of the initiatives is a
mailing list devoted to the topic of global acceptance of new TLDs.

That mailing list is called "tld-global-acceptance."

The purpose of the list is to discuss ways to increase the acceptance of
gTLD strings introduced after the original eight (.arpa, .com, .edu, .gov,
.int, .mil, .net, .org) were established. Currently, those gTLDs, both
sponsored and unsponsored, include .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum,
.name, .pro. It is anticipated that the current round of consideration for
new sTLDs will lead to additional gTLDs.

Many of the newer TLDs have encountered problems with web-based and other
applications in using their gTLDs for email and other purposes. The purpose
of this list is to facilitate identification of where the difficulties
arise, and to determine some strategies to address these difficulties. The
goal is to enhance usability of all the gTLDs globally, and to develop some
strategies for coping with additions to the TLD namespace in the future.

This list is currently open to the Registry and ISP constituencies of the

If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please drop me a note!


Mark McFadden
Secretariat - Internet Service Provider and Connectivity Provider
mcf at uwm.edu 

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