[ispcp] ISPCP Draft Agenda for Wellington

Mark McFadden mcfadden at 21st-century-texts.com
Sat Mar 11 15:30:12 UTC 2006


Below is a DRAFT agenda for our upcoming meeting in Wellington.  If you 
have any comments or would like to see edits to this draft, please make 
suggestions to the list.  The ISPCP leadership is expected to publish a 
final agenda in the next week.



Draft Agenda
Internet Service Provider and Connectivity Provider Constituency
Generic Names Supporting Organization

ISPCP Constituency Meeting
DRAFT Agenda

Monday, 27 March 2006
< time and room to be announced >

DRAFT Agenda

1. Introduction and welcome (Tony Holmes, constituency chair)
2. The IANA: an Update (David Conrad, IANA Executive Director)
3. Update on recent developments surrounding whois (Tony Harris/Greg Ruth)
4. New gTLDs: review of recent work and criteria development (Mark McFadden)
5. ISPCP response to the Board action on Verisign settlement (Tony Holmes)
6. ISPCP preparation for gNSO review (Tony Holmes, all)
7. Introduction to the new Technical Panel on Introduction of New 
Registry Services (Lyman Chapin)
8. Recent developments in IDNs and their impact on ISPs (Mark McFadden)
9. WIPO-2 Process issues (Maggie Mansourkia)
10. AOB

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