[ispcp] Impact of new gTLD program

MAEMURA Akinori maem at nic.ad.jp
Fri Sep 21 18:23:30 UTC 2012


Thank you for your kind response.
Maybe I need to know more context to think this, and Toronto would be the nice place for it.


In message <006401cd964d$5bb8ac50$132a04f0$@btinternet.com>
   "[ispcp] Impact of new gTLD program"
   ""tony holmes" <tonyarholmes at btinternet.com>" wrote:

| All 
| Many thanks for your quick response on the draft. The attached version
| should contain all proposed changes. Please let me know promptly if I've
| missed anything, I intend to send the final version to ICANN today.
| Akinori - in answer to the issue you raised; if the proposed Stakeholder
| Advisory Platform remained within the GNSO it wouldn't solve the problem as
| each group would still discuss common issues within their own domain before
| broader discussion occurred. Neither would that reduce the load on the
| existing policy development groups. I hope that answers your question.
| Regards
| Tony

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