[ispcp] Fwd: BOD Election

Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben at t-online.de Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben at t-online.de
Wed Apr 16 21:38:32 UTC 2014

Sent from my personal phone

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:

> Von: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade at hotmail.com>
> Datum: 16. April 2014 19:03:59 MESZ
> An: Kristina Rosette <krosette at cov.com>, Steve Metalitz <met at msk.com>, Tony Holmes <tonyarholmes at btinternet.com>, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben at t-online.de>, "bc-excomm at icann.org" <bc-excomm at icann.org>
> Betreff: BOD Election
> In keeping with the CSG's long standing collaboration on processes, and keeping each other informed, the BC organized calls with both candidates, took input from members, and received overwhelming support for Bill Graham, so BC will cast two votes for Bill. .
> We hope that your members also found the discussions with both candidates useful.
> In the end, several points were identified.:/this is a paraphrase, as we are not distributing the confidential discussion: 
> -there is a stronger fit to the concerns of the CSG constituencies by Bill
> -Bill has a style which is very restrained and acknowledged the feedback given about being more openly engaged
> -Bill indicated that he has taken the input about being more assertive in conveying his perspective and engaging more frequently  seriously, and will be working on more visible conveyance of his perspectives and decisions
> -Bill is more likely to be able to affect changes in the present situation, than a newcomer, with a very different style, and who has admittedly extremely limited contacts within and across the full three constituencies
> -recognition was given to Avri's interest, her passion, and her willingness to work hard
> -there was also recognition that Bill is focused more at a strategic level, and Avri at a tactical level; 
> -both bring  attributes of importance, but there was a strong  preference
> - if Bill is returned, it is likely that he will retain Board seats on several committees of importance to the CSG, and to ICANN governance
> We would welcome hearing from you regarding your decisions regarding votes, so that we can prepare for how to address the outcome: e.g. likely determination of an 8 vote winner, versus need to sit down and architect another election cycle.
> Marilyn Cade
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