[NCAP-Discuss] Catalog of name collision documents

Rubens Kuhl rubensk at nic.br
Wed Apr 24 21:54:00 UTC 2019

In the SubPro PDP WT4, one part of the effort is very similar to NCAP Study 1 in collecting references of prior work. It's summed up at:

Looking at page, one reference seems to be lost, and there are another two references I remember could be added:

"DEFCON 21 - DNS May Be Hazardous to Your Health - Robert Stucke"

"Introducing: The ORDINAL Dataset Opera&onal	Research	Data	from	Internet	NAmespace Logs" - Jeff Schmidt

"Most Popular Invalid TLDs Should Be Reserved"

And as Jay also asked for during our call, this is the initial report from the PDP WG:

Section 2.7.8 deal with name collisions, starting on page 156 and going up to page  164. I'll send a separate e-mail mentioning the PDP report. 


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