[NCAP-Discuss] What prior work to review

Jay Daley jay at daley.org.nz
Wed May 1 21:52:59 UTC 2019

Hi All

Today we discussed the following 

1.  Criteria for prior work to be assessed  (These are OR not AND)

	a.  Peer reviewed paper
	b.  Report/Analysis based on data
	c.  Qualitative research on name collision experience
	d.  Proposed or agreed technical standards

2.  Specific prior work that meets the criteria above

	a.  JAS and Interisle reports
	b.  Two data requests to ICANN (Rubens has details)
	c.  Name collision section of PDP report
	d.  Technical presentations, including all those given to the London workshop
	e.  Any relevant correspondence to/with ICANN (contractor to read summary first)

If you have any links to prior work that you believe matches any of these criteria then please reply to this message listing those.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


Jay Daley
jay at daley.org.nz
+64 21 678840
skype: jaydaley
twitter: @jay_daley

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