[NCAP-Discuss] No NCAP DG call this week.

Thomas, Matthew mthomas at verisign.com
Tue Dec 20 19:18:00 UTC 2022


We will cancel this week’s NCAP DG meeting and resume on January 4th.

A few items:

  1.  I will be sending out the draft Board Question document this week for everyone to review over the next few weeks.
  2.  We will resume on January 4th and start with a review and discussion of the Board Question document.  We will work on refinements/changes/etc. for the next few weeks and aim for a consensus call by mid-January.
  3.  We will also be working to get the first portion of the Study 2 Report out to the DG for review during the first half of January.  This will contain background, summaries of the three reports, and summaries of the discussions/presentations during Study 2.  Writing of the findings and recommendations will be done in parallel but those will not likely be sent out until late January.
  4.  When Jeff, Casey, or others have material they would like to share with the group, please let me or Suzanne know and we’ll work it into the schedule.

Happy Holidays!


Matt Thomas
NCAP Co-chair
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