[NCAP-Discuss] Defining CI/CE

Jeff Schmidt jschmidt at jasadvisors.com
Sat Feb 26 00:20:05 UTC 2022


I think a very important point has come out of this discussion - one of the reasons for the circular arguments is that we have never carefully defined CE and therefore we're operating under a number of assumptions which have vastly different implementation outcomes. Credit to Matt L and Danny for pointing this out.

Attached is my shot at a careful technical definition of the Controlled Interruption and Controlled Exfiltration options. We need to come to consensus on this before we can further discuss/recommend. The attached is the most conservative technical approach I can think of. This is just a strawman to start the conversation. I'm happy to be wrong on any/all of this. But no more glossing over the details - let's be super specific.

I would suggest the Chair(s) "force the issue" and call for consensus on this as quickly as discussion allows. Our lack of fundamental agreement here is blocking progress on this important item.


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