[NCAP-Discuss] NCAP agenda: Wednesday 23 August

Jennifer Bryce jennifer.bryce at icann.org
Wed Aug 23 07:42:53 UTC 2023

Dear NCAP DG members;

Here is the agenda for the NCAP DG meeting on Wednesday 23 August @ 20:00 UTC – 21:30 UTC.

  1.  Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2.  Workshop 3-4 October: Jennifer can give an update on planning
  3.  Focused discussion: Continue discussion of technical details of ACA/PCA with the goal to reach consensus to move forward. Some outstanding discussion points/questions points carried over from last week:
     *   Should we deliberately choose to broaden the scope of PCA to be more than “minimally disruptive”?
     *   Corner cases: what do we do about these (consider the cost/benefit?)
     *   What is the timeline for ACA/PCA?
     *   Rate of change around TLD delegations and IANA functions
     *   Question for the DG from Casey’s mail<https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ncap-discuss/2023-August/001222.html> (do we pick one of the options outlined in the mail or leave that to TRT discretion to decide based on phase 1?”)
  4.  Impacts to the workflow<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/143aOm0nDHUUwQaPswdMrV3lN3ruaCeEeoaD29fOkmxk/edit#slide=id.g158794978d7_0_0>
  5.  AOB
  6.  Adjourn

Reference sections of the Study 2 Sections 1 - 3 document<https://docs.google.com/document/d/13SQnZt1HHeD9i1cSds-kj16mxRQgxp6hpb2K1kLqB1U/edit#heading=h.4d34e2w2w3e9>:

  *   Section 3.5: Comparison of Proposed Alerting and Data Collection Techniques.
  *   Section 1.4: Terminology

Jennifer Bryce
Project Manager, Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

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