[NCAP-Discuss] Tool names

Casey Deccio casey at deccio.net
Tue Dec 5 17:38:54 UTC 2023

In the document and in the slides, the descriptions are converging, but there is little consistency with regard to the relatively "short" names of the tools.  This makes it hard to talk about them in the document, the slides, and anywhere else.  Here is a proposal:

Tool 1: DNS NODATA Response ("No interruption")

(Note that it doesn't go into implementation detail with HINFO but just sticks to the behavior.)

Tool 2: Transport-Layer Rejection at Local System ("Controlled Interruption")

(Note that it doesn't mention DNS, which is inferred from the fact that there is transport-layer communication happening (even if it is being rejected), and it doesn't get into the IP address, which will certainly be in the description and details.)

Tool 3: Transport-Layer Rejection at Public IP ("Public Interruption")

(Note again that it doesn't mention DNS, which is inferred from the fact that there is transport-layer communication happening (even if it is being rejected), and it simply mentions the IP address as "public".)

Tool 4: Transport-Layer Rejection and Application-Layer Notification at Public IP ("Public Interruption and Notification")

(Same as previous.)


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