[NCAP-Discuss] ACTION REQUIRED: NCAP Effort: possible f2f, expanded zoom calls

Jennifer Bryce jennifer.bryce at icann.org
Mon Jul 24 14:56:34 UTC 2023

REMINDER: For those who haven’t done so yet, please complete the Doodle poll and survey linked below in order to help plan a potential in-person NCAP workshop. Your timely response is critical for planning purposes. If you haven’t done so already please complete by end of your day on Tuesday 25 July.

Date options: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e0LDjPNe (if you cannot attend any of the proposed dates, please indicate)

Location options: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/B7J7TN5

Thank you,
Jennifer Bryce
Project Manager, Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

From: NCAP-Discuss <ncap-discuss-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Suzanne Woolf <swoolf at pir.org>
Date: Wednesday, 19 July 2023 at 20:51
To: "ncap-discuss at icann.org" <ncap-discuss at icann.org>
Subject: [NCAP-Discuss] NCAP Effort: possible f2f, expanded zoom calls

Dear colleagues,

First, the chairs want to thank everyone who’s been working through the draft NCAP Study 2 report. We’ve made great progress in the last few months, and could not have gotten this far without the thoughtful contributions of the entire group.

The chairs, our ICANN staff team, and the contractors supporting the NCAP project have been considering how to make sure we can sustain the momentum we’ve built. The goal is to produce a high-quality report on Name Collisions to turn over to the ICANN Board and community, as soon as reasonably possible.


One experiment we’d like to try is to start scheduling our weekly calls for longer. We realize this is not necessarily easy, but during the last few calls, the group has been able to keep working productively right up to the end of our time slot. We’d like to give everyone the opportunity to make more progress in future sessions by extending the Wednesday calls to 90 minutes. The calls will continue to start at 20:00 UTC. Please look out for an updated calendar invite from Jennifer.

We’d also encourage the DG to make more use of the mailing list for proposing or commenting on draft text, as a supplement to the interactions on zoom, so we don’t lose the thoughts of DG participants who may not be able to attend one or more calls.


In our work session in Washington DC in June, the idea was proposed that we could also make substantial progress on the Study 2 report if we could arrange an in-person workshop some time before the next ICANN meeting in late October.

We’ve considered some possible dates and locations, and Jennifer will be circulating a doodle poll for potential dates as well as a questionnaire on preferences for location. Please take a moment to fill out both, even just to tell us if you’re not available, as we won’t proceed with planning a workshop unless we have a “critical mass” of participants who can attend in person.

Again, many thanks to everyone for your hard work, and we’re looking forward to wrapping up Study 2.

Matt & Suzanne

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