[NCAP-Discuss] [Ext] Re: NCAP Discussion Group - Weekly

Jennifer Bryce jennifer.bryce at icann.org
Tue Nov 7 08:29:49 UTC 2023

The weekly call remains at 20:00 – 21:30 UTC. For some it may be 1 hour earlier in your local time because of the end of Daylight Savings Time.

From: Casey Deccio <casey at deccio.net>
Date: Monday, 6 November 2023 at 22:08
To: Jonathan Phillips <jonathan.phillips at icann.org>
Cc: "Thomas, Matthew via NCAP-Discuss" <ncap-discuss at icann.org>, James Galvin <galvin at elistx.com>, Heather Flanagan <hlf at sphericalcowconsulting.com>, Matt Larson <matt.larson at icann.org>, Jeff Schmidt <jschmidt at jasadvisors.com>, Danielle Rutherford <danielle.rutherford at icann.org>, Ram Mohan <rmohan at identity.digital>, Jared Erwin <jared.erwin at icann.org>, "Thomas, Matthew" <mthomas at verisign.com>, Andrew McConachie <andrew.mcconachie at icann.org>, "icann.ssac.calendar at gmail.com" <icann.ssac.calendar at gmail.com>, Jennifer Bryce <jennifer.bryce at icann.org>, Kathy Schnitt <kathy.schnitt at icann.org>, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman at icann.org>, NABEEL YASIN MOHAMMED AMIN <nabeelyasin at hotmail.com>, Roy Arends <roy.arends at icann.org>, Steve Sheng <steve.sheng at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Re: NCAP Discussion Group - Weekly

Did the weekly time change?


On Nov 6, 2023, at 10:58 AM, Jonathan Phillips <jonathan.phillips at icann.org> wrote:

Topic: NCAP Discussion Group
https://icann.zoom.us/j/99601254150?pwd=NENpeUY0eWdkeTJWeStxbXRiNG56Zz09 [icann.zoom.us]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/j/99601254150?pwd=NENpeUY0eWdkeTJWeStxbXRiNG56Zz09__;!!PtGJab4!55nIX1XfhsCJdcGWgdPcyucfsxB7HlUUW8XtC5qDqYDQKPx7343Pw-FTrpYy5KZPLcXrE3TD1Vp2WC9ay_T2g8Z7$>

Meeting ID: 996 0125 4150
Passcode: NYZUX6CK at v

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