[NCAP-Discuss] Root Zone Change Rates

Jeff Schmidt jschmidt at jasadvisors.com
Thu Sep 14 23:47:12 UTC 2023

> So are you saying that the TRT only makes a "recommendation".
> Does that mean every string goes to the Board with the TRT recommendation?

That’s all the TRT can do – make a recommendation that ICANN proceed. Obviously the TRT can’t insert the string into the root itself. What I was arguing against yesterday is the TRT providing the Board a boatload of data and telling them to make their own decisions. That would be unworkable. The TRT has to make a yes/no call, which will be in the form of a recommendation ICANN adopts. Just like the other 2012 evaluation types.

I think we’re saying the same thing here – good clarification.

> Separately, for anyone who may not know, in its meeting on September 10…

The GNSO Council believes that Recommendation 29.1 can be adopted by the Board on the
understanding that it does not need to be acted on until such time any next steps for
mitigating name collision risks are better understood out of the Name Collision Analysis
Project (NCAP) Study 2.

Anne, thanks for that. I have no idea what that means (!) could you or someone here that speaks SubPro explain please? 😊


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