[NCAP-Discuss] Study 2 / Ethics Considerations

Casey Deccio casey at deccio.net
Wed Jan 3 19:36:14 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Something that came up on the call a few weeks ago was the idea that there should be some discussion about ethics, including privacy implications and potential harm.  I drafted something week or so ago and have placed it in the "Sections 1 - 3" doc, immediately after section 3.5 (though it currently has no section number yet) [1]. Among other things, it discusses the implications of the proposed methods in context of the principles of the Menlo Report.  It also points to concerns that the discussion group has expressed in light of those, and whether those concerns are generally held or there are divisions.  This helps establish the reason for non-consensus among group members.  It's still a little drafty.  Please review.  Thanks!


[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/13SQnZt1HHeD9i1cSds-kj16mxRQgxp6hpb2K1kLqB1U/edit?usp=sharing

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