[NCAP-Discuss] NCAP Study 2 and Board questions documents as submitted for public comment (was Re: Thank you all - Study 2 Draft Report)

Matt Larson matt.larson at icann.org
Thu Jan 18 19:37:47 UTC 2024

Hi, Anne, everyone.

> On Jan 18, 2024, at 1:17 PM, Anne ICANN <anneicanngnso at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Matt.  Can someone please update us with the docs as submitted for publication?

The docs are attached.

Matt (L.)

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Name: Board Questions NCAP Response (DRAFT 17-Jan-2024).pdf
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Desc: Board Questions NCAP Response (DRAFT 17-Jan-2024).pdf
URL: <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ncap-discuss/attachments/20240118/b47c8c96/BoardQuestionsNCAPResponseDRAFT17-Jan-2024-0001.pdf>
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Name: Name Collision Analysis Project Study Two Report (DRAFT 17-Jan-2024).pdf
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Desc: Name Collision Analysis Project Study Two Report (DRAFT 17-Jan-2024).pdf
URL: <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ncap-discuss/attachments/20240118/b47c8c96/NameCollisionAnalysisProjectStudyTwoReportDRAFT17-Jan-2024-0001.pdf>

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