[NomComRIWG] Rec. 2, 3, 4: Additional Input Needed on Training Needs

Jean-Baptiste Deroulez jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org
Fri Oct 30 16:32:10 UTC 2020

Dear NomComRIWG members,

As discussed briefly at the end of yesterday’s plenary call, NomCom support staff is in the process of defining the training needs for the upcoming 2021 NomCom, keeping in mind the recommendations 2, 3, and 4. While no actual costs have yet been defined, the recommendations will be discussed in the coming weeks with the NomCom leadership and best efforts will be made to fulfill in the FY21. After the training needs and requirements have been defined, and costs have been projected, staff will be able to provide more information.

In the meantime, NomCom Support Staff is asking whether you have any additional input you would like to be considered as the upcoming training needs are being defined, for example, are there any pain points within the NomCom that you would like to see addressed through training?

For reference, here are the relevant recommendations:

  *   Rec. 2: Implement and formalize training to further NomCom members’ understanding of the roles and responsibilities of Board directors and the practices of high-performing Boards at other nonprofit organizations.
  *   Rec. 3: Implement and formalize training for NomCom leadership to further their understanding of their roles, authority, and responsibilities, and confirm or appoint the next Chair earlier in the cycle.
  *   Rec. 4: Formalize training for NomCom members in the candidate evaluation process

Many thanks and best wishes,

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