[Npoc-discuss] Nominees

Martin Pablo Silva Valent mpsilvavalent at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 18:18:14 UTC 2016

Thank you all for this vote of trust and companionship.

I love the idea that we start moving our community with mentor/mentee program, regardless the other programs in ICANN, inside NPOC we should start involving more and cooperate with each other. Is one of the few really open spaces in ICANN and we are not using it nor working out the real potential it has.

So let’s not wait for the ExCom (Executive Committee) instructions, let’s start discussing this among all of us. 

How do you think our internal Mentor/Mentee program should work? 
In what working groups, projects, debates or programs should we, as NPOC members, engage and participate?

The NPOC Constituency is a full Constituency like NCUC and others, outside the Ex Com we should be discussing and working among ourselves. 

NPOC is a platform waiting for us to use it to spread the operational concerns of NGO’s (how NGO’s use for their own operation the domain name system, regardles of their mission, which can be or not related to internet), something only us know and represent inside ICANN. ISOC or RedCross, one about internet, the other one about humanitarian help, use and know a thing or two about DNS, but all the other NGO’s out there are not using the Internet potential and much less the DNS opportunities brings to them. 

Cheers to all !

> On Jan 28, 2016, at 11:46 AM, Joan Kerr <joankerr at FBSC.ORG> wrote:
> Hello NPOCers,
> It is with great pleasure that I send this email to inform the NPOC Community about the status of the mentorship project.
> First, thanks to all the exceptional candidates who applied.  Given the positive response to this opportunity, NPOC has undertaken to design its own mentorship program.  Details to follow in the coming months.  Please let us know your thoughts as we design the program.
> Join me in congratulating NPOC's official nominees:
> <image.png>
> Joan Kerr
> NPOC membership Chair
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