[Npoc-discuss] Candidate statement.

David Cake dave at davecake.net
Tue Jun 5 14:12:46 UTC 2018

I nominated for the policy committee position because I was asked to run by a few people, and because I believe I have significant experience at ICANN policy work. I have seen NPOCs interest in policy work gradually increase, and I would like to see it become a strongly contributing part of NCSG and the GNSO. 

I have extensive experience in ICANN policy work. I have been an NCSG GNSO councillor for 4 years, 2 of them as a Vice-Chair. I have been part of the leadership team as one of the vice-chairs of the RDS working group. I served as part of the GNSO-GAC group, working to smooth the GACs role in GNSO working groups. And I’ve held other ICANN leadership roles, and been involved in many other workings group, such as  the PPSAI.

My plan for policy committee is to introduce more active tracking of policy work that needs doing through use of Trello and other online tools, and work towards both getting a clearer idea of NPOCs specific policy positions when it has them, and closer collaboration with all of NCSG when Piru positions converge.


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