[NPOC-EC] Moving npoc.org to another hosting services provider

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 09:47:29 UTC 2021

Dear all,

*1) Moving npoc.org <http://npoc.org> hosting to another service provider*

The new term of hosting has to be purchased by 22.12.2021, which is the day
after tomorrow. Our current hosting is more expensive than we need it to be
and the current provider hiked up the price in August to almost 450€/year.

Me and Tapani had a look at some potential hosting services providers, and
thought that Hetzner offers the best value for the price: About 120€ / year
for better access to manage our website. For example, with this package,
we'd have full access to all the backups on the site. Performance of our
website will remain essentially the same.

*2) Identifying crucial policy initiatives at ICANN for NPOC*

What are the current policy initiatives and public comments that we should
be participating in? What are the places for following these?

I would like to give our new Policy chair a hand from our EC members to
show her the ropes of effectively creating policy from NPOC's point of view
and how to go about it. Please help me in doing so.


Out of these two points that were supposed to be discussed in the last EC
meeting, I'm posing those questions here now. Let's discuss the second
agenda item until we can hand over some guidance to Gloria. The first item
should really have two more people (I am already for this) from the EC to
decide to transfer our website on time.

Please respond with yes or no to moving the hosting to Hetzner and then we
can discuss the "ropes" on policy development of NPOC. Let's get this done
ASAP, please.

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