[NPOC-EC] NPOC-EC Meeting | Attendance, Recording, Chat, Transcript | 11 July 2022

Bikram Shrestha bikram.shrestha at idea.com.np
Tue Jul 12 16:05:14 UTC 2022

Thank you 🙏 Andrea.

Bikram Shrestha
Sent from my iPhone

> On 12 Jul 2022, at 7:14 PM, Andrea Glandon via NPOC-EC <npoc-ec at icann.org> wrote:
> Hello!
> Please find attendance, Zoom recordings, chat, and transcript of the NPOC-EC call on 11 July 2022.
> Attendees:  Adisa Bolutife, Bikram Shrestha, Caleb Ogundele, Emmanuel Vitus, Raoul Plommer | ICANN Org: Andrea Glandon, Carlos Reyes
> Zoom Replay Link: Here
> Zoom Audio Link: Here
> Zoom Chat Link: Here
> Zoom Transcript Link: Here
> Thank you and kind regards,
> Andrea and Brenda
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