[NPOC-EC] Fwd: NCSG EC Membership Approval

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 17:25:59 UTC 2022


Caleb Ogundele


Sent with thumbs from a small screen mobile device.

Pelase exsuce typos adn errosr.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele <muyiwacaleb at gmail.com>
Subject: NCSG EC Membership Approval
To: Johan Helsingius <julf at julf.com>

Hi Julf,

I just wanted to inform you that we are due to have NCSG EC where we
approve membership for various constituencies.

NPOC did a lot of outreach during the last ICANN meeting and a couple of
organizations applied we would not want them to lose steam before we
approve and engage them.

*Caleb Ogundele*
Mobile: +1-204-558-6904
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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