[NPOC-EC] NPOC-EC call materials - attendance, replay, chat | 24 October 2022

Brenda Brewer brenda.brewer at icann.org
Mon Oct 24 16:50:12 UTC 2022

Hello NPOC EC,

Please see attendance and recordings for NPOC Executive Committee call held Monday, 24 October 2022 at 14:00 UTC.

Kind regards,
Andrea & Brenda

Attendees: Bolutife Adisa, Caleb Ogundele, Emmanuel Vitus, Jean F. Queralt, Juan Manuel Rojas, Raoul Plommer, Tapani Tarvainen | Apologies: Bikram Shrestha | ICANN Org:  Andrea Glandon, Brenda Brewer, Carlos Reyes

ZOOM REPLAY LINK:  HERE<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/SJAKJgZm94yLCuEakWuTwRo4VGGYsuN03yd--S421LbNWylKAnfk0c1AvhiUq3E0KMdqQXZX8lQ2sYZP.Ep4gws_lDdKQ4xb9>

ZOOM AUDIO REPLAY LINK:  HERE<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/C8gGY8mX5KtZpavllGmDLZJkeAKS6GShD9GOZQIWpA1RAg9tJFhzJxjpLfxr4le8uiyHjgZDHkBCxTnC.tF52s0_bAuYiYaLa>

ZOOM TRANSCRIPT: Available on the Zoom Replay<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/SJAKJgZm94yLCuEakWuTwRo4VGGYsuN03yd--S421LbNWylKAnfk0c1AvhiUq3E0KMdqQXZX8lQ2sYZP.Ep4gws_lDdKQ4xb9> – Audio Transcript tab on right side of screen

08:58:25 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
09:00:25 From Brenda Brewer - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            Agenda items:
                        -  Jean F's communication platform
                        -  Leadership course
                        -  Policy review
09:01:57 From Jean F.'s Meetgeek Notetaker to Everyone:
            This meeting is being recorded. By continuing to attend the meeting you agree to being recorded!
09:02:35 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            That's right Jean
09:03:37 From Brenda Brewer - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            Agenda items:
                        -  Jean F's communication platform
                        -  Leadership course
                        -  Policy review
09:04:15 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:
            @Brenda: May I request you kick out the Notetaker?
09:04:24 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:
            It shouldn't be here.
09:04:28 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            I can do that.
09:04:41 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:
            Thx Andrea.
09:04:46 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            You’re welcome!
09:07:36 From Tapani Tarvainen to Everyone:
            Given that any number of constituencies and the like post stuff on social media all the time I don't think it can be against any ICANN policy. But we have several ICANN staff here who might comment?
09:08:58 From Carlos Reyes - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            Correct, Tapani
09:12:20 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            The budget is for publications support.  Each group gets a budget per ICANN Public Meeting.
09:12:52 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            Surely what we're talking about here, is publication
09:13:16 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            We also need to beware of consent when putting up photos from ICANN events.
09:13:17 From Carlos Reyes - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            ICANN has a style guide, but it is not applicable to ICANN community groups. However, ICANN community groups can chose to use it.
09:13:51 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            I’m good with Canva as well.
09:14:30 From Tapani Tarvainen to Everyone:
            There used to be separate funding for website development, used by the NCSG for the CiviCRM at least, but I thought it was also used by constituencies for their websites. I may be out of date here though.
09:14:46 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            Also, it’d be nice to come up with Comms policy as well. Do you have a template @jean?
09:14:48 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            This is my impression also Tapani
09:16:11 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:
            @Bolutife: Kinda do, yes.
09:16:25 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
09:17:57 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            I think the Comms policy should include a social media calendar as well.
09:18:21 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            This should be added to the Internal Operating Procedure
09:18:48 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            We use just 3
09:19:17 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            We should have flickr for Picture
09:19:22 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            We have Facebook and twitter, we don’t have an instagram
09:19:37 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            We have Twitter also
09:19:38 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            I will suggest Linkedin
09:19:46 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Comms Chair has access
09:20:01 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            By the way, I still need access to twitter.
09:20:15 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            LinkedIn is good as well.
09:20:16 From Tapani Tarvainen to Everyone:
            At least two people should have access. Comms chair and Chair would be natural choice.
09:20:18 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Ask Ore
09:20:18 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            ok Bolutife
09:20:42 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Your immediate past Chair
09:21:05 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            She doesn’t have access. She asked me to ask you or Raoul.
09:21:30 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            We should do a password reset
09:21:36 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            In the worst case scenario i would suggest a reset (if it's NPOC email )
09:23:17 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone:
            try to reset it. I think my email is linked there
09:24:52 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            All credential Jean should use must use the
            info at npoc.org
            This is for continuity
09:25:13 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            info at npoc goes for the EC, doesn't it?
09:25:32 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone:
            it should
09:25:35 From Tapani Tarvainen to Everyone:
            I think it'd be fine for Jean to keep rights just in tech support role for the time being
09:25:53 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone:
            or tech at npoc.org
09:26:10 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            we could even make social at npoc.org
09:26:26 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            or comms at npoc.org
09:28:00 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Checked my old password I used and sent to Bolu
09:28:08 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            I got the Twitter login details now.
09:28:18 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
09:28:48 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Juan, seem like your phone number is linked
09:28:49 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            Bolutife, so now you have access to Twitter, LinkedIn and fb, right?
09:28:50 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Verify your identity by entering the phone number associated with your Twitter account.
            Hint: ending in 07
09:29:13 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone:
            Is not mine
09:40:13 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            ICANN has provided us with one already
09:40:24 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            That is being used by ALAC
09:40:31 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
09:40:33 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Confluence I guess
09:40:44 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            @Andrea and Brenda can correct me
09:41:03 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            Oof.. I'm not sure if I know how to use it.. looks seriously cumbersome
09:41:15 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            then let's adopt it. If not Trello is really good also for our chats and discussion on phone as well.
09:41:28 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            Yeah, let’s do it.
09:41:39 From Bolutife Adisa to Everyone:
            Sorry, I can’t talk
09:42:35 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:

            Everyone has Comment permissions, just in case there's further feedback.
09:42:59 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            @Caleb, do you mean the wiki?
09:43:00 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
09:44:09 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            During Constituency review, these are tools that are jointly reviewed with the mailing list.
09:44:18 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Worked with Joan on this before
09:44:24 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            And Maryam
09:44:26 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            The wiki and Google Docs are the only collaboration tools.
09:44:39 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:
            I am happy to look into it and come back with suggestions.
09:44:47 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            Thanks Andrea
09:44:54 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            You’re welcome!
09:46:44 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            Yes Andrea... I meant Wiki. I just posted the link.
            Just read your chat
09:46:45 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
09:49:53 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            I’m checking the Council agenda now
09:50:55 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            This discussion was on their AOB.  I will check the minutes.
09:53:22 From Carlos Reyes - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            The Leadership Program does not happen at every ICANN Public Meeting.
09:54:00 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            I will confirm this later today. Minutes not posted yet so I will check the recording.
09:54:28 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone:
            Thanks Andrea
09:54:35 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            You’re welcome!
09:55:11 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            I have an update regarding the IDNs and our last submission
10:08:27 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            Let separate the EC meetings from the Policy. What do you think? at least 30min a month
10:08:30 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            14 November for NCSG Policy
10:09:09 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            Council meetings are on Thursdays
10:09:31 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            17 November for the next GNSO Council meeting
10:10:48 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            11 November the US ICANN Offices are closed.
10:11:02 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            It is a US holiday.
10:11:13 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            Same in France
10:11:47 From Tapani Tarvainen to Everyone:
            Apparently you can't hear me. I just wanted to note that NCSG EC meeting will be on October 31, just in case someone has something that should be raised there.
10:12:30 From Tapani Tarvainen to Everyone:
            Just let me and/or Caleb know if you want something done there
10:12:53 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            NCSG meeting is administrative and just membership approval review which will take a long time
10:13:27 From Caleb Ogundele to Everyone:
            That is the agenda in the first meeting Julf will chair
10:14:56 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            Yes, 14 November
10:15:02 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            For the next NPOC EC
10:15:13 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            NCSG Policy is at 11:30 UTC
10:16:54 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            Please let us know if in the future you would like NPOC EC meetings to be 90min to allow for policy discussion.
10:17:17 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            We could also move the NPOC EC meeting up a week, in this case.
10:20:49 From Juan Manuel Rojas to Everyone:
            yep 90 min
10:20:51 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:
10:21:07 From Emmanuel Vitus to Everyone:
            Thanks. Have a nice week
10:21:09 From Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org to Everyone:
            Thank you, all!
10:21:15 From [TIOF] Jean F. Queralt to Everyone:
10:21:16 From Raoul Plommer (NPOC) to Everyone:
            Thank you!!
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