[NPOC-EC] Membership Engagement and Stimulation on Policy Work for NPOC

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 18:49:48 UTC 2022

Hello Adam,

We discussed and we are looking at revitalizing membership engagement which
has gone low during the COVID as we could not push members whose fatigue
level was high and priority changed during the COVID.

Our request is to ask for your help in starting up the Webinar Series again
on Hot topics within the
New gTLD
Domain Name Dispute
Protection of Trade Marks / IP
Human Right Issues on Operational Concerns within the remit of NPOC and NCSG
DNS Abuse
Transfer Policy

Also looped into this email is the NCUC Chair as we both agreed that we can
collaborate and make both constituency participate jointly as we're trying
to achieve the same goals.

Caleb Ogundele


Sent with thumbs from a small screen mobile device.

Pelase exsuce typos adn errosr.
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