[NPOC-EC] [Ext] Re: NPOC EC Agenda-12 April 2023

Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Wed Apr 5 12:52:00 UTC 2023

Hello all!

It sounds like we need to try to move this meeting to Thursdays. Emmanuel can only do before 12:00 UTC. Does 11:00 UTC work for everyone?

Kind Regards,

From: Bikram Shrestha <bikram.shrestha at idea.com.np>
Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 20:07
To: Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>, "npoc-ec at icann.org" <npoc-ec at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [NPOC-EC] NPOC EC Agenda-12 April 2023

For me also fine and please share the selection travel criteria for travel support.
Thank you 🙏

Bikram Shrestha
Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Apr 2023, at 8:41 PM, Andrea Glandon via NPOC-EC <npoc-ec at icann.org> wrote:
Hello EC,

Please see below a link to a proposed agenda for the EC meeting next week.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mOGLZO5qZufmYWaV6uvd96tjCWjwziM3AdHtMayYvuQ/edit [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1mOGLZO5qZufmYWaV6uvd96tjCWjwziM3AdHtMayYvuQ/edit__;!!PtGJab4!917kME_FfQcIiHmUiIVBzlAKGaogXilHSHaZMBCHje8tUusOeK1mN10EPelFie_z2DruF0J6IkazN_Jm4IZqXqclzFW5JUGyJVTl$>

In addition, I would like to confirm the time change to 16:00 UTC. I have heard from Caleb, Juan Manuel & Emmanuel that this will work for them.

Andrea Glandon
Policy Operations Coordinator
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Skype ID:  acglandon76

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