[NPOC-EC] Charter meeting next week

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 13:20:03 UTC 2023

Please fill in the Doodle so we can get this job done.

On Fri, 14 Apr 2023, 07:47 Raoul Plommer, <plommer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> We got one hot charter meeting coming up, that is hopefully our last for
> the next five years at least. But just in case we can not make it on time,
> we will then have another meeting coming up the following week. The
> deadline for submission to the OEC is 28.4.
> Please make note of your participation in the Doodle Andrea prepared for
> us: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/az7qqAZb
> Here are some helpful documents:
> *NPOC Charter Annex*
> This is the document that we need to work on, perhaps Caleb could fill in
> the membership procedure in Annex A? I left a note there as a placeholder.
> If you can write up the rough summary of the membership procedure and we
> can polish that and other things during our meeting.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1blJT9QVRErEwxzhpmA8ws2UP28E1oGZnuvsBvPR-4P8/edit
> * NPOC Charter and WS2 Highlights*
> Nice summary of things by Daniel that we still need to write up and
> decide, to finish charter work:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jBYwsVsmDWsitjsFDJ0r3A7-MraM1G6ABQGPdN2Ockw/edit
> Amongst other things, we need to decide whether our decisions are binding
> or not, so I would actually say that they wouldn't be, since no money is
> involved. What do you guys think?
> The *charter* itself:
> https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/generic-names-supporting-organization-council-gnso-council/amended-npoc-charter-09-05-2022-en.pdf
> Please have a look at these documents before the meeting, so it can be
> done with just one last charter meeting! Let's gooo! :D
> -Raoul
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