[NPOC-EC] NPOC EC | Attendance, replay, chat | Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 15:00 UTC

Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Wed May 17 16:16:05 UTC 2023

Hello NPOC EC,

Please see attendance and recordings for the NPOC Executive Committee call held on Wednesday, 17 May at 15:00 UTC. These details can also be found on this wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/BIplAw.

Kind regards,

ATTENDEES: Caleb Ogundele, Emmanuel Vitus, Bikram Shrestha, Raoul Plommer, Glenn McKnight,   | ICANN Org: Andrea Glandon, Dan Gluck

ZOOM REPLAY LINK includes audio transcript and chat: HERE<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/eL4nZGBDybEoUtbibd_z16J5-D0o9vzRaO-T5xB-CrMu77JOyaDFH-U8p4ZMrsfKC2CFPzF_ZMppqhf_.qY3GFcbEZaAoVx19>

ZOOM AUDIO REPLAY LINK: HERE<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/ewnhhDVR1RKw_yRLgK9wrbQVeHH8VV8VSCElBP0ND81qcXUEtrkmRZMEmUmyycB95uMMjY8-4ZJzpJPa.iP8Q_XDKPT1EhFf2>


00:36:48           Raoul Plommer:            https://docs.google.com/document/d/1blJT9QVRErEwxzhpmA8ws2UP28E1oGZnuvsBvPR-4P8/edit
00:43:34           Bikram Shrestha:           For the purposes of the Chair being unavailable for their duties, the EC chooses an interim Chair to act on their behalf. Appointment of interim chair would require a majority vote from other EC members.
00:43:50           Bikram Shrestha:           Interim chair
00:43:58           Bikram Shrestha:           Need to change
00:47:13           Glenn McKnight:           sorry I had to take a call
00:54:01           Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:   The EC just needs to start working on an agenda.
00:57:44           Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:   Yes, I do think this will be a heavy hall
00:57:52           Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:   Calls will begin next week, I believe
00:57:58           Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:   And there will be a session at ICANN77.
00:59:27           Glenn McKnight:           My apologies I have had a flurry of calls for doctor appointments.
01:00:39           Bikram Shrestha:           Yes, we can call
01:00:44           Glenn McKnight:           k
01:05:02           Daniel Gluck - ICANN Org:        “NPOC will collaborate on an Annual Report focusing on improving accountability, transparency, and participation, describing where things might have fallen short, and any plans for future improvements.”
01:07:30           Glenn McKnight:           My question is AOB
01:07:37           Glenn McKnight:           1. Comments on NOMCOM review
01:07:54           Glenn McKnight:           2. Comments on new CEO search committee suggestions
01:08:18           Glenn McKnight:           3. Fellowship asked for feedback on diversity from SO/AC communities
01:11:28           Raoul Plommer: SOs/ACs are asked to contribute to the Fellowship Program's strategy for outreach and promotion by providing feedback on suggested diversity targets for the Fellowship Program. Interested community groups should contact Siranush.Vardanyan at icann.org to receive a form to complete. Groups should aim to return the forms by 15 May 2023.
01:17:16           Glenn McKnight:           I sent the form to Caleb and Raoul for the fellowship feedback
01:17:24           Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:   https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/bylaws-amendments-and-documents-to-implement-the-nomcom2-review-17-04-2023
01:17:50           Glenn McKnight:           Closed for Submissions

29 May 2023 | 23:59
01:20:10           Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:   ceosearch2023 at icann.org
01:20:18           Andrea Glandon - ICANN Org:   You can submit your feedback at any time.
01:24:30           Bikram Shrestha:           Enjoy your Next ICANN meeting
01:24:31           Daniel Gluck - ICANN Org:        I’m DC Based, so if anyone has any questions or needs recommendations for Washington, please let me know!
01:24:41           Bikram Shrestha:           Thank you 🙏
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