[NPOC-EC] Appointment of representative and alternate to the PPSAI IRT

Dennis Chang dennis.chang at icann.org
Tue May 21 19:58:19 UTC 2024

Dear Juan Manuel Rojas,

Following the publication of the Call for Volunteers<https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-seeks-volunteers-for-the-ppsai-implementation-review-team-20-05-2024-en>, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) organization (org) is pleased to invite you to nominate a representative and an alternate to the Proxy & Privacy Services (PPSAI) policy Implementation Review Team (IRT).

The implementation process is an ICANN org-driven exercise.  ICANN org plans to employ the “Open + Representative Model” piloted on the Subsequent Procedures IRT and based on the GNSO’s PDP 3.0 model<https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/pdp-3-2-working-group-models-10feb20-en.pdf.pdf>. The goal is to provide a structure that allows for efficient resolution of issues that may occur.

We kindly ask that the NPOC nominate up to one representative and up to one alternate to participate in the IRT. Please note, we are asking each of ICANN’s supporting organizations, advisory committees, stakeholder groups and constituencies to nominate up to one representative and one alternate.

Putting forward a representative and alternate is optional; all members of the NPOC are welcome to join the IRT as participants. In fact, we urge anyone who is interested in being selected as a representative to join the IRT as a participant first (call for volunteers<https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/icann-seeks-volunteers-for-the-ppsai-implementation-review-team-20-05-2024-en>). As you will see below, the roles of participants and representatives are nearly identical, with the representatives’ main function being that of an information-bridge to their community groups.

ICANN org plans to host the first IRT call during the ICANN80 public meeting in June 2024. We do not require the nominees for the first meeting, but request that you conclude the nomination process and inform us of the nominees as soon as feasible.

Why Have Representatives?

While participants always speak in their own personal capacity, representatives are expected to speak on behalf of their constituency, stakeholder group, supporting organization, or advisory committee. Therefore, a key part of the NPOC  representative’s role will be to engage actively and consistently with their NPOC colleagues to ensure they can convey the NPOC viewpoints to the IRT. Please note, that this will require an efficient process for representatives to inform and receive input from their respective groups. To put this into place will be the responsibility of each representative.

In addition, when determining the level of consensus in the circumstance described in Section V.E. of the IRT Principles & Guidelines<https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/irt-principles-guidelines-23aug16-en.pdf>, the GNSO Liaison, in the Open + Representative model, shall take into consideration that members who are representatives are expected to express the viewpoint of their respective community groups and participants to express their own views. This does not impact each member’s ability to raise any concern they may have, nor does it absolve ICANN org or the GNSO Council liaison from “exercis[ing] all reasonable efforts to resolve disagreements” within the IRT.

More information can be found on this PPSAI IRT wiki page<https://community.icann.org/x/lQDSEw>.  We are looking forward to getting the IRT underway and, please, do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.

Kind Regards,
Dennis S. Chang
GDD Programs Director
Phone: +1 213 293 7889
Sykpe: dennisSchang
www.icann.org<http://www.icann.org>  One World – One Internet

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