[RDS-WHOIS2-DataAccuracy] Answers to F2F Mtg #3 questions

Jean-Baptiste Deroulez jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org
Wed Aug 1 15:55:04 UTC 2018

Dear WHOIS1 Rec#4 Subgroup, Dear WHOIS1 Recs #5-9 Subgroup,

Please find below answers to questions on ARS you asked during the face-to-face meeting on 26-27 July:


QUESTION 1: Does ARS have access to non-public data under the Temporary Specification?

ANSWER 1: ARS does not have access to non-public data, and this will continue under the Temporary Specification.

QUESTION 2: Is the WHOIS data that is sampled by ARS obtained from the Registrar or Registry?

ANSWER 2: ARS obtains THICK data from the registries and THIN data from the registrars.

QUESTION 3: (for thick TLDs, since under GDPR much contact data is redacted?)

ANSWER 3:  Because ARS does not currently access non-public data, there would be no change to ARS sampling methods under GDPR.

Kind regards,


From: RDS-WHOIS2-DataAccuracy <rds-whois2-dataaccuracy-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Alice Jansen <alice.jansen at icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 7:20 PM
To: "rds-whois2-rec4-compliance at icann.org" <rds-whois2-rec4-compliance at icann.org>, RDS-WHOIS2-DataAccuracy <rds-whois2-dataaccuracy at icann.org>
Subject: [RDS-WHOIS2-DataAccuracy] Answers to F2F Mtg #3 questions

Dear WHOIS1 Rec#4 Subgroup, Dear WHOIS1 Recs #5-9 Subgroup,

Please find below answers to questions you asked during the face-to-face meeting on 26-27 July.

For domains rechecked after suspension, what % are found to be unsuspended in total and the % that are still non-compliant?
ICANN Contractual Compliance conducts a review of domain names subject to WHOIS Inaccuracy complaints that are closed based on the suspension of the domain names. For those domain names which are later found to be unsuspended and have the same WHOIS information, ICANN Contractual Compliance will follow up with the registrar to assess whether the registrar conducted the required verification and validation under the WHOIS Accuracy Program Specification prior to unsuspending the domain name.
Of the suspended domain names reviewed for 2017, 4% were unsuspended and had the same WHOIS information. Upon following up with the registrar regarding these domain names, all registrars were able to demonstrate compliance by either providing the requested evidence required by the WHOIS Accuracy Program Specification or suspending the domain name again (where 0.4% of the unsuspended domain names were resuspended by the registrar).

Is there a routine feedback process in place for Compliance to advise the ARS project of ARS-detected inaccuracies that were not ultimately found by Compliance to be inaccuracies (e.g., tickets generated because the state was missing in a country where states are not applicable)?
Yes - there is a routine feedback process in place for ICANN Contractual Compliance to advise the ARS project of its findings. See https://whois.icann.org/en/whoisars-contractual-compliance-metrics [whois.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__whois.icann.org_en_whoisars-2Dcontractual-2Dcompliance-2Dmetrics&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=a5VfrQZP4r0Kte2xBJT17IgRyRBHECC3vHSuFP_QBqD22G4dgkHhRZBEhshbjycD&m=UdGdcS65uHbqHclnBu-QGGANwL1d2fPKspJYcUa1FgM&s=byldTyQCZH5j9rXT09AI39W_WOZyo311N1yfu9D1IwE&e=>.

The answer to Does ARS have access to non-public data under the Temporary Specification? Is the WHOIS data that is sampled by ARS obtained from the Registrar or Registry (for thick TLDs, since under GDPR much contact data may be redacted?) will be provided this week.

Kind regards

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