[RDS-WHOIS2-RT-Leadership_Staff] Report review

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Mon Jan 14 05:26:34 UTC 2019

I have completed a review of the report until the end of the P/P 
section. Most of Jackie's changes were accepted and I have made a 
number of comments/questions. I will try to complete the rest 
tomorrow (but not before the meeting).

Jackie had found R11.2 to be run-on and not clear, and I agreed. I 
have re-written it and would like it added to the plenary agenda. The 
intent was not to change the meaning...

The original wording was:

R11.2: The ICANN Board should direct the ICANN org to continue to 
maintain the common interface o keep up to date with new policy 
developments or contractual changes for contracted parties to ensure 
that the common interface will display all publicly-available RDS 
(WHOIS) output for each gTLD domain name registration available from 
contracted parties, i.e., when they differ, both the registry and 
registrar RDS (WHOIS) output could be shown in parallel.

The revised version is:

R11.2 The ICANN Board should direct the ICANN organization to ensure 
that the common interface displays all applicable output for each 
gTLD domain name registration as available from contracted parties, 
including multiple versions when the output from registry and 
registrar differ. The common interface should be updated to address 
any policy or contractual changes to maintain full functionality.


Also, I have added explanations of the rec numbering system in both 
the Exec Summ and the body of the report. Addition:

Recommendation Rx.n are recommendations that follow up on 
Recommendation x[footnote] of the first WHOIS Review. Recommendations 
LE.n, SG.n, CM.n and BY.n are recommendations related to the new work 
done by the present review team under its investigations related to 
Law Enforcement, Safeguarding Registrant Data, Contractual Compliance 
and the Bylaw governing Specific Reviews.

[Footnote] In the case of R5.n, R12.n and R15.n, they are follow-up 
recommendation of the original R5-9, R12-14 and R15-16 respectively.

It is not particularly clear but the best I could come up with. We 
should also add a discussion of it to the meeting.


Lastly, in the section on compliance there was a section to be 
completed on impact of GDPR. I added (for discussion during meeting):

It is currently unclear to what extent Contractual Compliance with 
have access to RDS (WHOIS) information, nor what procedures it may 
have to follow to gain such access. Depending on the final GDPR 
implementation, the ability of Contractual Compliance to address 
issues that it did prior to GDPR may be affected and/or the amount of 
resources (time and staff) required may increase, perhaps substantially.


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