[registrars] Whois TF1

Paul Stahura stahura at enom.com
Tue Dec 23 17:08:20 UTC 2003

The whois TF1 is compiling a list of the current users of whois information.
We are compiling this list so that we can send them a few questions for them
to answer regarding their use of the whois information.  The list does not
need to be exhaustive, but we would like it to be a decent sampling.

So if any registrars wish to make a contribution compiling this list, please
send them to me.
I need the name of the entity and the contact information for someone at the
entity who can answer questions about the entity's use of the whois

Harvard Berkman Center, Ben Edelman, his-address at law.harvard.edu

Any entity you know of, either in the US, but especially outside the US (to
increase or geographical sample), please send them to me.
I will compile them together and send them along to the TF to be compiled
with other TF member's lists.


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