[registrars] Representatives required for 3 WHOIS task forces

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Mon Nov 3 22:06:11 UTC 2003

At 10:23 AM 11/3/03 -0800, Paul Stahura wrote:
>I would like to participate on the "data mining"  task force,
>am I interested in this area and I believe I can contribute there.
>We all want to reduce mining (from registrars and others too), while
>at the same time maintain access to users (incl registrars) with legitimate
>I assume we are able to self-nominate.

Dear Paul:  I'm not sure about that point.  However I hasten to nominate 
you for the Whois Task Force on Data Mining.  You are fully competent to 
represent the RC on this task force.

We need a second endorsement for Paul.

Respectfully submitted,
by Robert Connelly, aka BobC
Secretary of RC

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