[registrars] Update of nominations, endorsements, acceptances, positions and conflicts of interest for various sub groups of Whois Task Force

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Thu Nov 6 18:49:02 UTC 2003

Dear Registrars:

Here is a text form of the attached Excel list.  It's been like describing 
a moving train;-}

I solicit corrections and additions.  In particular, any cases in which 
I've misspelled names.

[Just before sending this Email, I discovered I had misspelled Joyce Lin's 
name.  I corrected it in the Excel sheet but did not Ctrl-S it  and it went 
out uncorrected. Sorry, Joyce. Regards, BobC]

While I have included two cases where there were two "seconds", it was at 
the request of a seconder.  Multiples are not required.

Regards, BobC

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