[registrars] Whois-sc: input requested

Paul Stahura stahura at enom.com
Mon Sep 1 21:22:47 UTC 2003

Issues: 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 are eNom's top-five

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Jeftovic [mailto:markjr at easydns.com] 
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 10:16 AM
To: registrars at dnso.org
Subject: [registrars] Whois-sc: input requested

After the conference call for the whois-sc of Aug 7/8th the table
attached citing the intersection of the main concerns of the various
participating members was compiled.

The next step is an attempt to narrow this down to 5 key points.

All members are to report back with their list of 5 points by thursday
september 4th. I apologize for the lack of notice, we've been pretty
busy with all the worm, virus, blackouts, etc. (I'm sure there's a lot
of that going around).

I think Tom Keller is away from email at the moment, for my part I've
assembled a "default position" which I hope covers the major Registrar
concerns wrt whois privacy. In lieu of any input, comment of feedback,
I will be submitting the following five points (see attached text file):

8, 10, 12, 14, 17

Regards, mark

Mark Jeftovic <markjr at easydns.com>
Co-founder, easyDNS Technologies Inc.
ph. +1-(416)-535-8672 ext 225
fx. +1-(416)-535-0237

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