[registrars] Verisign change to operation of the .com DNS lookup service

Robert F. Connelly rconnell at psi-japan.com
Tue Sep 16 23:13:45 UTC 2003

At 12:00 AM 9/17/03 +0100, Paul Westley wrote:
>Ross Rader proposed at 11.11
>Rick Wesson 2nd supporter at 14.27
>Christophe Wolfugel 3rd supporter at 14.35
>Donny Simonton 4th supporter at 16.06
>Jim Archer 5th supporter at 17.10
>Paul Westley 6th supporter at 17.52

Dear Paul:  Thank you for the fifth endorsement.  Apparently you conclude 
that Elana did *not* endorse it.

So we now have five endorsements.  I should publish the motion within 48 hours.

I wonder whether Ross would like to polish it further before that.  Once I 
"publish the motion and call for discussion", the 14 day period for 
discussion starts.

Regards, BobC

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