[registrars] gTLD Registry Maintenance Notices

Ross Wm. Rader ross at tucows.com
Sun Apr 25 17:06:00 UTC 2004

On 4/25/2004 12:16 PM Tim Ruiz noted that:

> Then for all of the email notices they provide a way for us to simply submit
> email addresses for them that could be distribution accounts. That would
> include:
> -- Transfer notifications
> -- Fund Balance and Billing notifications, including urgent* notices
> regarding low balances or getting shutdown.
> -- Maintenance/outage notifications, including urgent* notices for
> unexpected problems or emergency maintenance.
> -- General notifications such as for Web casts.
> -- Other urgent* technical notifications such as warning notices about
> misuse of connections.

I'd personally like to see the Registries move away from email for 
important administrative notices like the ones that you describe. Some 
sort of standardized XML syndication format like RSS or RDF would seem 
to make the most sense. It might even make sense to offer notifications 
like this in parallel with email on a trial basis to start. In any 
event, it would be nice to poll the registry directly for notices on an 
automated basis rather than poll a local mailbox and hope that we got 
the complete payload...

RSS/RDF offer a great deal of flexibility concerning implementations and 
I've spent a *lot* of time working with these formats over the past year 
and have a number of ideas how registrars and registrars could easily 
adopt them. I'd be happy to elaborate a bit if there's any interest.


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