[registrars] PIR EPP 1.0 and Domain Info command

Jay Westerdal jwesterdal at nameintel.com
Thu Aug 5 20:51:04 UTC 2004

PIR just sent out the below announcement... I must object, there is no
registrant data in the "Info" command right now, but to remove Domain Status
and Domain Expiration Date seems rather absurd. The command is already thin
as is. To limit the command to only show Registrar will adversely effect not
just our registrar but others as well. How can a Registry declare they are
going to go from complaint with the EPP 1.0 RFC to non-compliance.

Jay Westerdal
Name Intelligence, Inc.

PER is also taking measures to limit potential data-mining through use of
the "DomainInfo" EPP Command effective 6 November 2004

The .ORG OT&E environment will be available on 28 September 2004 for the 6
November 2004 release (to include the three major software upgrades noted

For more information on the DomainInfo EPP command, please read below.

"DomainInfo" EPP Command

Effective 6 November 2004, any DomainInfo EPP Command request for domains
not under sponsorship by the requestor will receive a 'thin' reply with the
following domain name information:

A)      Domain Name
B)      Sponsoring Registrar

Any DomainInfo EPP Command request for domain names where the requestor is
the sponsoring registrar or for requests on domain names that present a
valid authorization info code will receive the existing 'thick' reply.

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